
Tips for Setting Up Your eCommerce Store Design Through WordPress

WordPress is one of the more common platforms for web design, even for eCommerce stores. It offers a number of features, allowing even absolute beginners to establish professional looking websites. However, if you are just getting started in your eCommerce store development, you will want to know these tips to get the most professional store you can in your web design.

Not All Features Appear at the Bottom of the Page

ecommerceMost of the time, you can find the various modification features at the bottom of each page you are editing. WordPress distinguishes between static pages and dynamic posts. However, you may unintentionally make massive alterations throughout the site if you try to use only the dashboard for your editing. The catch is that not all of the modification features are going to appear where you think they should. If, for instance, you want to turn off comments on certain pages, you will need to go to Quick Edit. The Quick Edit feature generally includes all of the modification features that you would expect to find.

The Template You Choose Changes What You Can Do

You can choose from a number of templates in your web design. You can even make one yourself. The one thing you should remember is that the template itself will define a number of your options. If, for instance, you download an apparel website template, it could have a number of prearranged codes that may clash with your ultimate goals. Make sure that you check the settings on each one. The template codes are not bad things. They are part of what make the templates work, but sometimes they are static rather than dynamic. A common one is column appearance. You may only be able to have two columns on your screen at any one point. This is defined by the template.

Backup Features Should Not Be Trusted

It’s important that you back up your work regularly. While WordPress stocks a fairly sizable backup protocol under certain package options, you should not rely exclusively on it. Accidents happen all the time. Additionally, if you decide to stop using WordPress and discontinue the site without backing up the information, you will lose just about everything. Instead, make sure that you use additional backup locations for all of your web pages and web information. This way you don’t lose all your hard work.

Setting up your eCommerce store through WordPress can be quick and easy. Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to make it do what you want. However, you should remember that not all of the features or modification features appear at the bottom of the page. Sometimes you have to access Quick Edit. Additionally, the template that you choose will define what you can and cannot do with the website. And as you continue to work on your site, make sure that you backup all of your work. While WordPress does have programs in place to help save information, you should not rely exclusively on them.

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